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Crook County Little League

Crook County Little League


Below you will find a variety of forms related to registration and volunteering for the 2023 season.  If you would like to download the files to your computer, you can "right-click" and choose "save as" to save them to your computer. All forms must be turned in before students are allowed to participate.

Registration Required Documents

  1. Medical Release - pdf
    Required for each child you register and must be received prior to participation
  2. Code of Conduct Form - pdf
    Required to be signed by parents

Player Request Form

Please fill out this form if you have a request for your player to be on a certain team. By filling out this form there is no guarantee for the request to be made. The CC Little League Board of Directors will make all final decisions and be in contact with parents if requests are unable to be made. 

Player Request Form

Play up Form

Please fill out this form if you would like your child to attend assessments in a higher age division then they are registered. Your player will be assessed by multiple coaches who will evaluate the players skill level. This information will be given to the Director of Baseball or the Director of Softball for further assessment. Filling out this form does not guarantee that your player will assess to the next age level. Once decisions have been finalized parents will be notified. 

Play Up Form

All-Star Eligibility Documents

All who wish to participate in All-Stars must have a valid copy of a birth certificate.

Additionally, please include one of the following:

Coaches Training

Oregon State Law on Concussions
For CDC course on-line "check here" and then check on "Heads up" to start the course on line

Accident Claim Form

Accident Claim Form

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